Vietnam National Strategy for Tuberculosis Prevention and Control to 2020, with a View to 2030 Author(s): Ministry of Health Vietnam Year: 2014 Filed under: Accountability, Governance, NTP, Prevention, strategy, TB control, Vietnam
Framework for the evaluation of new tests for tuberculosis infection Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2020 Filed under: Evaluation, Framework, Guidance and Tools, Prevention, TB infection, Testing, Tests, TPT, Treatment
Guide to Measure the Prevalence of Active TB Disease Among Health Care Workers Author(s): TB Care I Year: 2013 Filed under: Guidance and Tools, Health workers, Measurement, NTP, Prevalence, Prevention, Risk
Training Package on TB Infection Prevention and Control in Health Facilities Author(s): Challenge TB Year: 2016 Filed under: Guidance and Tools, Health workers, Infection control, Prevention, TB control, Training
Standard Operating Procedure for TB Preventive Therapy Performance Assessment Author(s): Challenge TB, KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation Year: 2018 Filed under: Assessment, Guidance and Tools, HIV, Infection control, People living with HIV, Prevention, Standard Operating Procedures, Tool
Recommendations for Investigating Contacts of Persons with Infectious Tuberculosis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2012 Filed under: Active case finding, Case detection, Contact investigation, Guidance and Tools, LMIC, Prevention, Universal access
Toolkit to Develop a National Strategic Plan for TB Prevention, Care and Control: Methodology on how to develop a national strategic plan Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2014 Filed under: Guidance and Tools, Prevention, Strategic plan, TB care, TB control, Toolkit
Childhood TB: Training Toolkit Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2014 Filed under: Case detection, Childhood TB, Diagnosis, Guidance and Tools, NTP, Prevention, Toolkit, Training, Treatment, Universal access
The Intersection of TB and COVID-19 Author(s): United States Agency for International Development Year: 2020 Filed under: Coronavirus, COVID-19, Presentation, Prevention, TB, Treatment
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Tuberculosis Questions & Answers Author(s): The Truth About TB Year: 2020 Filed under: Coronavirus, COVID-19, Prevention, Treatment, Tuberculosis