Data for action: Collecting and using local data to more effectively fight tuberculosis

Citation: Theron, G., Jenkins, H. E., Cobelens, F., Abubakar, I., Khan, A. J., Cohen, T., & Dowdy, D. W. (2015). Data for action: collection and use of local data to end tuberculosis. Lancet (London, England), 386(10010), 2324–2333.
Abstract: This manuscript describes how existing data and analysis systems could be improved to enable the following steps (1). countries must better use existing data on TB notifications, risk factors, and treatment outcomes to inform local interventions; (2). national and global systems must augment the set of standard, routinely-collected data with additional data elements to better target resources, while ensuring that this additional data collection is feasible (examples of additional data include geographic information, drug resistance, and clinical risk factors); (3). programs must build capacity for the periodic, focused collection of novel data components, such as targeted surveys, contact investigations, and sequencing data, to inform local policy decisions. Arguing that these steps, combined with strategies to interrupt transmission, treat latent TB, and improve social conditions, can form the basis for a coherent strategy to end TB, from both a top-down and a bottom-up direction.
Author(s): Theron, G., Jenkins, H. E., Cobelens, F., Abubakar, I., Khan, A. J., Cohen, T., & Dowdy, D. W.
Year: 2016
Language: English
Resource Type: Journal Articles
Source: Other