Rapid molecular diagnostics for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in India
Citation: Ramachandran, R., & Muniyandi, M. (2018). Rapid molecular diagnostics for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in India. Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy, 16(3), 197–204. https://doi.org/10.1080/14787210.2018.1438262
Abstract: Rapid molecular diagnostic methods help in the detection of TB and Rifampicin resistance. These methods detect TB early, are accurate and play a crucial role in reducing the burden of drug resistant tuberculosis.

This review analyses rapid molecular diagnostic tools used in the diagnosis of MDR-TB in India, such as the Line Probe Assay and GeneXpert. We have discussed the burden of MDR-TB and the impact of recent diagnostic tools on case detection and treatment outcomes. This review also discusses the costs involved in establishing these new techniques in India.
Author(s): Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy
Year: 2018
Language: English
Region(s): INDIA
Resource Type: Journal Articles
Source: Other
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