Framework for the evaluation of new tests for tuberculosis infection Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2020 Filed under: Evaluation, Framework, Guidance and Tools, Prevention, TB infection, Testing, Tests, TPT, Treatment
Pathways to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment initiation: a qualitative comparison of patients’ experiences in the era of rapid molecular diagnostic tests Author(s): BMC Health Services Research Year: 2015 Filed under: Diagnostics, GenoType, Journal Article, mdr-tb, multidrug-resistant TB, Qualitative, Rapid tests, Research, Tests, Treatment, Xpert
Comparison of rapid tests for detection of rifampicin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosisin Kampala, Uganda Author(s): BMC Infectious Diseases Year: 2009 Filed under: Case detection, Drug-resistant TB, Journal Article, Mycobacterium, Rapid tests, Research, Tests, Uganda
A Survey on Use of Rapid Tests and Tuberculosis Diagnostic Practices by Primary Health Care Providers in South Africa: Implications for the Development of New Point-of-Care Tests Author(s): PLOS ONE Year: 2015 Filed under: Diagnostics, Journal Article, Point of care, Research, South Africa, Tests