National Strategic Plan V for Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme 2015-2020

Abstract: The National Strategic plan V (2015-2020) for Tuberculosis and Leprosy addresses the future priorities and challenges in the context of the changing environment. The purpose of the Strategic plan is to promote dialogue and consensus building around key interventions for the coming five years. It also serves as a resource mobilization tool for funding priority interventions. The plan is a platform around which Development Partners, Key Players and Stakeholders will implement TB/Leprosy activities in a coordinated and harmonized manner. Finally the National Strategic Plan V development process established a baseline against which the progress and impact of TB and Leprosy activities will be monitored and evaluated in order to take appropriate actions. The plan has four main plans linked together i.e. core plan, operation framework, budget plan and M&E plan.
Author(s): Tanzania National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme
Year: 2015
Language: English
Region(s): TANZANIA
Resource Type: Guidance and Tools
Source: Other