Successes and Challenges with Monitoring and Evaluating Tuberculosis (TB) Programs in Select African Countries Author(s): TB DIAH Year: 2024 Filed under: africa, africa regional workshop, arw, Brief, dar es salaam, monitoring and evaluation, PBMEF, performance based monitoring and evaluation, Tanzania, TB, technical briefs, Tuberculosis, WHO, Workshop, World Health Organization
QUOTE TB Light Workshop – Tanzania: Assessing the quality of TB services through the eyes of the patient Author(s): Challenge TB Year: 2015 Filed under: Guidance and Tools, Quality of care, Tanzania, TB, TB patients, Universal access, Workshop
Baseline assessment of community based TB services in 8 WHO ENGAGE-TB priority countries Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2018 Filed under: Assessment, Burma, Community, DRC, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Report, Tanzania, TB services
Monitoring & Evaluation Plan for TB and Leprosy Program (2015-2020) Author(s): Tanzania National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme Year: 2015 Filed under: Accountability, Evaluation, M&E, Monitoring, NTP, Plan, Tanzania
National Strategic Plan V for Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme 2015-2020 Author(s): Tanzania National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme Year: 2015 Filed under: Accountability, NTP, Plan, Prevention, Strategic plan, Tanzania, TB control
Tanzania Partnership Statement Author(s): United States Agency for International Development Year: 2019 Filed under: Accountability, Partnership, Tanzania, USAID
Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey and Malaria Indicator Survey 2015-2016 Author(s): Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) [Tanzania Mainland], Ministry of Health (MoH) [Zanzibar], National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Office of the Chief Government Statistician (OCGS), and ICF Year: 2016 Filed under: DHS, Report, Survey, Tanzania
The National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme: Annual Report for 2016 Author(s): Tanzania National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme Year: 2017 Filed under: NTP, Report, Tanzania, TB burden
Bovine tuberculosis at the human-livestock-wildlife interface: Is it a public health problem in Tanzania? A review Author(s): Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research Year: 2012 Filed under: Bovine, Journal Article, Mycobacterium, Prevention, Research, Tanzania, Zoonotic
Community-based management of multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis in a tertiary hospital in Tanzania: a best practice implementation project Author(s): JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports Year: 2017 Filed under: Community, Journal Article, mdr-tb, multidrug-resistant TB, Research, Tanzania, TB patients