Implementing the Data-to-Action Continuum in Ghana, Nigeria, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Bangladesh (Union Conference 2023) Year: 2023 Filed under: Bangladesh, continuum, D2AC, Data, data to action, Ghana, Kyrgyz Republic, Nigeria, TB, TB Union, The Union, Tuberculosis, Union, union conference
Are People with TB Receiving Person-Centered Care? A Multi-country Comparison Author(s): Nikki Davis, MPH Year: 2022 Filed under: person centered care, Presentation, QTSA, Union
Comparison of TB Services Available and TB Services Received in Two East African Countries Author(s): Kola Oyediran Year: 2022 Filed under: Presentation, QTSA, Union
Improving TB Monitoring, Evaluation, & Surveillance with a Virtual Center of Excellence Model Year: 2022 Filed under: COE, poster, Union
Comparison of COVID-19-Related Tuberculosis Resource Reallocation in Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan Author(s): N. Davis, S. Huffman, D. Rogers, A. Byrne, K. Oyediran, G. Ibraeva, M. Ablezova, U. Khatri Year: 2021 Filed under: Afghanistan, COVID-19, Kyrgyzstan, poster, resources, TB, Union