Comparison of COVID-19-Related Tuberculosis Resource Reallocation in Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan Author(s): N. Davis, S. Huffman, D. Rogers, A. Byrne, K. Oyediran, G. Ibraeva, M. Ablezova, U. Khatri Year: 2021 Filed under: Afghanistan, COVID-19, Kyrgyzstan, poster, resources, TB, Union
Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment Global Tools: Supplemental COVID-19 Modules Author(s): TB DIAH Year: 2021 Filed under: Assessment, COVID-19, Guidance and Tools, QTSA, TB services, Tools
Programmatic innovations to address challenges in tuberculosis prevention and care during the COVID-19 pandemic Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2021 Filed under: Case studies, COVID-19, Prevention, Report, TB care, TB services, WHO
Digital Health Platform Handbook: Building a Digital Information Infrastructure for Health Author(s): ITU/WHO Year: 2017 Filed under: COVID-19, Digital Health, emergency, Guidance and Tools, Handbook, health services, health system, interoperability
Operational guidance on service delivery to TB patients (drug-susceptible and drug-resistant) during the COVID-19 pandemic Author(s): Infectious Disease Society of Southern Africa Year: 2020 Filed under: Coronavirus, COVID-19, DR-TB, Drug-resistant TB, Guidance, Guidance and Tools, Service delivery, TB care, TB patients
The Potential Impact of the COVID-19 Response on Tuberculosis in High-Burden Countries: A Modelling Analysis Author(s): Stop TB Partnership Year: 2020 Filed under: Analysis, Coronavirus, COVID-19, India, Kenya, Notification, Report, TB burden, Ukraine
The Intersection of TB and COVID-19 Author(s): United States Agency for International Development Year: 2020 Filed under: Coronavirus, COVID-19, Presentation, Prevention, TB, Treatment
Critical changes to services for TB patients during the COVID-19 pandemic Author(s): International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Year: 2020 Filed under: Coronavirus, COVID-19, Journal Article, Research, TB patients, TB services
World Health Organization Information Note: Tuberculosis and COVID-19 Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2020 Filed under: Coronavirus, COVID-19, TB care, TB programs, TB services, Treatment, Tuberculosis
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Tuberculosis Questions & Answers Author(s): The Truth About TB Year: 2020 Filed under: Coronavirus, COVID-19, Prevention, Treatment, Tuberculosis