Use of Indicators of Standards of Care to Improve Tuberculosis Program Management in Ethiopia

Citation: Muluken Melese, Dereje Habte, Belaineh Girma, Yewulsew Kassie, Solomon Negash, Kassahun Melkeneh, Shallo Daba, Gebre Negussie, Yared Kebede Haile, Degu Jerene, Nebiyu Hiruy, Zewdu Gashu, Barbara K. Timmons, Pedro Suarez. Use of indicators of standards of care to improve tuberculosis program management in Ethiopia. Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases, Volume 10, 2018, Pages 17-23, ISSN 2405-5794.
Abstract: Systematic monitoring of health programs and on-site mentoring of health workers are essential for the success of health care. This operations research was designed to measure the effectiveness of a new mentorship and supervisory tool for supervisors.
Author(s): Elsevier
Year: 2018
Language: English
Region(s): ETHIOPIA
Resource Type: Guidance and Tools
Source: Other
Filed under: Ethiopia, Indicators, Journal Article, Monitoring, program management, Quality of care, Research, TB programs