QTSA Contact Investigation: Identifying TB Contacts Author(s): TB DIAH Year: 2024 Filed under: Assessment, CI, Contact investigation, facility, QTSA, Quality of care, quality of tuberculosis services
Enquête sur la qualité des services de tuberculose en République démocratique du Congo: Infographie Author(s): TB DIAH Year: 2024 Filed under: Assessment, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, DR Congo, DRC, French, Infographic, QTSA, Quality of care, rapport, Report, Service delivery, TB, TB services, Tuberculosis
Enquête sur la qualité des services de tuberculose en République démocratique du Congo: Rapport Author(s): Chauffour, J., Kaswa, M., Wembanyama, H., Herrera, E., Mbuyi, S., Kibadi, R., Kabuayi, J.P., Lee, C. Year: 2024 Filed under: Assessment, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, DR Congo, DRC, QTSA, Quality of care, Report, Service delivery, TB, TB services, Tuberculosis
Quality of Tuberculosis Services Assessment in Congo: Tools Author(s): TB DIAH Year: 2023 Filed under: Assessment, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guidance and Tools, QTSA, Quality of care, TB, TB services, Tuberculosis
Enquête sur la qualité des services de tuberculose en République démocratique du Congo: Outils Author(s): TB DIAH Year: 2023 Filed under: Assessment, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guidance and Tools, QTSA, Quality of care, TB, TB services, Tuberculosis
Practical Guide to Improve the Quality of TB Patient Care: A Participatory Approach Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2008 Filed under: Guidance and Tools, Quality of care, TB care, TB patients, Universal access
QUOTE TB Light Workshop and Booklet Author(s): Challenge TB Year: 2016 Filed under: Quality of care, TB care, TB patients, Universal access, Workshop
QUOTE TB Light Workshop – Tanzania: Assessing the quality of TB services through the eyes of the patient Author(s): Challenge TB Year: 2015 Filed under: Guidance and Tools, Quality of care, Tanzania, TB, TB patients, Universal access, Workshop
Constructing care cascades for active tuberculosis: A strategy for program monitoring and identifying gaps in quality of care Author(s): PLOS Medicine Year: 2019 Filed under: Active case finding, Cascade of care, Diagnosis, Journal Article, Monitoring, Quality of care, Research
Joint Review of HIV, TB and PMTCT Programmes in South Africa: Main Report Author(s): World Health Organization – Joint HIV, TB and PMTCT Review Steering Committee Year: 2014 Filed under: Assessment, HIV, Quality of care, Report, Review, South Africa, TB programs, TB services