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Webinar | Global Preview: TB Performance-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and TB Monitoring & Evaluation e-Learning Course
Year: 2024
Filed under: Analysis, Course, e-learning, elearning, Framework, Guidance, Guidance and Tools, Indicators, learning, monitoring and evaluation, online course, online learning, PBMEF, performance based monitoring and evaluation, Reporting, TB, TB data, TB indicators, Tools, Tuberculosis, USAID, webinar
Supporting NTPs with TB DIAH’s ARC Tool
Author(s): TB DIAH
Year: 2024
Filed under: Analysis, analysis capacity, ARC, ARC tool, Assessment, Data, data analysis, data collection, data hub, data reporting, Indicators, landscape analysis, Mission, Missions, Monitoring, monitoring and evaluation, National TB programs, NTP, PBMEF, performance based monitoring and evaluation, Reporting, Surveillance, surveillance system, TB, TB surveillance, Tuberculosis, USAID
WHO European Region: Data collection guide
Author(s): Iryna Koroieva, Kira Grozava
Year: 2023
Filed under: data collection, EU, Europe, Indicators, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyzstan, NGO, TB, TB coalition, Ukraine, WHO, World Health Organization
Tuberculosis Monitoring and Evaluation Post-Training Capacity Assessment (Cambodia)
Author(s): TB DIAH
Year: 2022