WHO European Region: Data collection guide
Citation: Koroieva, Iryna, and Kira Grozava. “Collecting Data for Calculation of the Four Indicators - Tbcoalition.Eu.” TB Coalition, 2023, tbcoalition.eu/resource/files/2024/01/cso_collecting_data_en.pdf.

The TBEC team, in collaboration with representatives from the WHO Regional Office for Europe, and in coordination with NTP representatives from the pilot countries, NGOs, and communities, has developed an Algorithm for data collection on the four indicators of the WHO Regional Office for Europe. These indicators reflect a systemic approach to the impact of communities and civil society organizations on programs, in accordance with the new TB action plan for the WHO European Region for 2023–2030.

In order to present the data collection activities in a simplified form, with a detailed explanation of all stages and visualization of the entire process, the TBEC has developed a Guide for NGOs and the TB-affected community on collecting data on four indicators of the WHO Regional Office for Europe.

The document contains practical recommendations and advice on implementing the Data Collection Algorithm based on the results of pilot data collection in 2021 and 2022 in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine.

Author(s): Iryna Koroieva, Kira Grozava
Year: 2023
Language: English
Resource Type: Guidance and Tools
Source: World Health Organization
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