Clinical Management of TB/HIV Coinfection Author(s): Pan American Health Organization Year: 2023 Filed under: clinical, clinical management, clinical TB, Coinfection, Course, Diagnosis, diagnostic, Diagnostics, e-course, e-learning, HIV, infection, learning, PAHO, pan american, pan american health organization, Prevention, Public Health, TB, Treatment, Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Ethiopia from 2003 to 2016, and impact of HIV co-infection and prior drug exposure: A systematic review and meta-analysis Author(s): PLOS ONE Year: 2018 Filed under: Coinfection, Ethiopia, Journal Article, Research, TB and HIV, Treatment
Strengthening Tuberculosis Control in Ukraine: Evaluation of the Impact of the TB-HIV Integration Strategy on Treatment Outcomes Author(s): Zulfiya Charyeva, Smisha Agarwal, Kristen Brugh, Sin L. Curtis, Stephanie Mullen Year: 2018 Filed under: Coinfection, HIV, HIV and TB, HIV care, Impact Evaluation, Intervention, Report, Social services, TB, Tuberculosis, Ukraine
Посилення контролю за туберкульозом в Україні: оцінка впливу стратегії інтеграції ТБ/ВІЛ-послуг на кінцеві результати лікування Author(s): Зульфія Чарієва, Сміша Агарвал, Крістен Бруг, Шан Куртіс, Стефані Маллен Year: 2018 Filed under: AIDS, Coinfection, Evaluation, HIV, Report, TB, Tuberculosis, Ukraine