Clinical Management of TB/HIV Coinfection Author(s): Pan American Health Organization Year: 2023 Filed under: clinical, clinical management, clinical TB, Coinfection, Course, Diagnosis, diagnostic, Diagnostics, e-course, e-learning, HIV, infection, learning, PAHO, pan american, pan american health organization, Prevention, Public Health, TB, Treatment, Tuberculosis
Inequality monitoring in HIV, tuberculosis and malaria Author(s): WHO Filed under: Course, disease, e-course, e-learning, goals, HIV, inequality, learning, malaria, Monitoring, program, Targets, TB, Tuberculosis, WHO, World Health Organization
Mental Health and HIV and TB Author(s): The Global Fund Filed under: Course, e-course, e-learning, global fund, HIV, learning, mental health, TB, Tuberculosis
TB DIAH e-Learning Filed under: cases, Community, community health, community health workers, Contact investigation, Course, e-course, e-learning, frontline, health, healthcare, HIV, learning, People living with HIV, PLHIV, providers, Public Health, TB, tb contact, tb contact investigation, Tuberculosis
Supporting Tuberculosis Control in Vietnam: Building bridges to reduce TB burden Author(s): PATH Year: 2014 Filed under: Case detection, Guidance and Tools, HIV, TB burden, Treatment, Vietnam
Sensitivity, completeness and agreement of the tuberculosis electronic system in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam Author(s): Public Health Action Year: 2017 Filed under: Electronic, Health Information Systems, HIV, Journal Article, Register, Research, TB data, Technology, Vietnam
A guide to monitoring and evaluation for collaborative TB/HIV activities Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2015 Filed under: Co-infection, Evaluation, Guidance and Tools, HIV, M&E, Monitoring, NTP, TB and HIV
Simplified Checklist for TB Infection Control Author(s): Tuberculosis Control Assistance Program, FHI 360 Year: 2011 Filed under: Community, Health workers, HIV, Infection control, Sub-Saharan Africa, TB and HIV, TB control
Standard Operating Procedure for TB Preventive Therapy Performance Assessment Author(s): Challenge TB, KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation Year: 2018 Filed under: Assessment, Guidance and Tools, HIV, Infection control, People living with HIV, Prevention, Standard Operating Procedures, Tool
Desk Guide for the Management and Treatment of Childhood TB Author(s): International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Year: 2016 Filed under: Case management, Childhood TB, Guidance and Tools, HIV, TB and HIV, Universal access