Mapping the Technology Landscape of National TB Programs Author(s): The Global Fund Year: 2021 Filed under: Guidance and Tools, NTP, NTPs, TB programs, Technology
Trust and the ethical challenges in the use of whole genome sequencing for tuberculosis surveillance: A qualitative study of stakeholder perspectives Author(s): Carly Jackson, Jennifer L. Gardy, Hedieh C. Shadiloo, and Diego S. Silva Year: 2019 Filed under: Diagnosis, Epidemiology, NTPs, Surveillance, TB care, WGS
Research gaps in transforming tuberculosis data to action for better health outcomes: A systematic literature review Author(s): Manish Kumar, Meredith Silver, Jeanne Chauffour, Colleen Boyle, David Boone Year: 2021 Filed under: D2A, data to action, Journal Article, Literature review, NTPs, Research, TB data, TB programs
Guidance for national tuberculosis programmes on the management of tuberculosis in children Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2014 Filed under: Children, Guidance and Tools, Guidelines, Management, National TB programs, NTPs, Tuberculosis
Guide pour la surveillance de la pharmacorésistance aux médicaments antituberculeux: Sixième édition Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2021 Filed under: drug resistance, Drug-resistant TB, French, Guidance, Guidance and Tools, NTPs, Surveillance
Guidance for the surveillance of drug resistance in tuberculosis: Sixth edition Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2021 Filed under: drug resistance, Drug-resistant TB, Guidance, Guidance and Tools, NTPs, Surveillance