Trust and the ethical challenges in the use of whole genome sequencing for tuberculosis surveillance: A qualitative study of stakeholder perspectives Author(s): Carly Jackson, Jennifer L. Gardy, Hedieh C. Shadiloo, and Diego S. Silva Year: 2019 Filed under: Diagnosis, Epidemiology, NTPs, Surveillance, TB care, WGS
Burma Tuberculosis Roadmap Overview, Fiscal Year 2021 Author(s): United States Agency for International Development Year: 2021 Filed under: Burma, Diagnosis, ds-tb, mdr-tb, Prevention, Report, TB care
Bangladesh Tuberculosis Roadmap Overview, Fiscal Year 2021 Author(s): USAID Year: 2021 Filed under: Bangladesh, Diagnosis, ds-tb, mdr-tb, Prevention, Report, TB care
Programmatic innovations to address challenges in tuberculosis prevention and care during the COVID-19 pandemic Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2021 Filed under: Case studies, COVID-19, Prevention, Report, TB care, TB services, WHO
Review of tuberculosis prevention and care services in Kyrgyzstan, 30 June – 5 July 2014: Mission report Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2014 Filed under: Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyzstan, mdr-tb, NTP, Prevention, program management, Report, Review, TB care
An Innovative Public–Private Mix Model for Improving Tuberculosis Care in Vietnam: How Well Are We Doing? Author(s): Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease Year: 2020 Filed under: Evaluation, Journal Article, Private sector, Research, Screening, Surveillance, TB care, Testing, Vietnam
Electronic Recording and Reporting for Tuberculosis Care and Control Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2012 Filed under: Guidance, Guidance and Tools, Reporting, Surveillance, TB care, TB control, Technology
Generic “New Drugs and the Shorter Treatment Regimen” Training Modules Year: 2019 Filed under: Diagnostics, DR-TB, Drug-resistant TB, Guidance and Tools, NTP, TB care, Training, Treatment
Practical Guide to Improve the Quality of TB Patient Care: A Participatory Approach Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2008 Filed under: Guidance and Tools, Quality of care, TB care, TB patients, Universal access
Patient Centered Approach Strategy Author(s): Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance Year: 2011 Filed under: PCA, strategy, TB care, TB patients, Universal access