Search Results for:
National Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for Tuberculosis Programme, 2011-2015
Author(s): Ministry of Health Myanmar
Year: 2011
Active TB Drug-Safety Monitoring and Management: Manual for TB Medicines and Regimens
Author(s): National TB Programme Department of Public Health Ministry of Health and Sports The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Year: 2017
Filed under: Burma, DR-TB, Drug-resistant TB, Guidance and Tools, mdr-tb, Monitoring, NTP, program management, XDR-TB
Baseline assessment of community based TB services in 8 WHO ENGAGE-TB priority countries
Author(s): World Health Organization
Year: 2018
Filed under: Assessment, Burma, Community, DRC, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Report, Tanzania, TB services
National Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis Control 2016-2020
Author(s): Myanmar Ministry of Health and Sports
Year: 2016
Evidence to inform resource allocation for tuberculosis control in Myanmar: a systematic review based on the SYSRA framework
Author(s): Health Policy and Planning
Year: 2017