USAID Global TB Strategy Year: 2022 Filed under: bilateral, countries, goals, Interventions, strategy, Sustainability, TB, TB burden, Technical Guidance, Tuberculosis
Finding the missing millions: lessons from 10 active case finding interventions in high tuberculosis burden countries Author(s): Tripti Pande, Nathaly Aguilera Vasquez, Danielle Cazabon, Jacob Creswell, Miranda Brouwer, Oriol Ramis, Robert Hartley Stevens, Ramya Ananthakrishnan, Shahina Qayyum, Chukwuka Alphonsus, Charity Oga-Omenka, Vaidehi Nafade, Paulami Sen, Madhukar Pai Year: 2020 Filed under: Active case finding, Interventions, Journal Article, LMIC, Notification, Research, TB burden
Law of the Kyrgyz Republic: About protection of the population from tuberculosis Author(s): Government of the Kyrgyz Republic Year: 2019 Filed under: Accountability, Governance, Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyzstan, policy, Prevalence, Prevention, Report, TB burden
Supporting Tuberculosis Control in Vietnam: Building bridges to reduce TB burden Author(s): PATH Year: 2014 Filed under: Case detection, Guidance and Tools, HIV, TB burden, Treatment, Vietnam
Acceptability of Household and Community-based TB Screening in High Burden Communities: A Systematic Literature Review Author(s): KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, TB Care I Year: 2012 Filed under: Active case finding, Case detection, Community, Household contact, Literature review, Review, Screening, TB burden, Universal access
The Potential Impact of the COVID-19 Response on Tuberculosis in High-Burden Countries: A Modelling Analysis Author(s): Stop TB Partnership Year: 2020 Filed under: Analysis, Coronavirus, COVID-19, India, Kenya, Notification, Report, TB burden, Ukraine
WHO’s Global Tuberculosis Database Author(s): World Health Organization Year: 2019 Filed under: Data, Report, TB burden, TB data
Out of Step Report: A Survey of TB Policies in 29 Countries Author(s): Stop TB Partnership, Médecins Sans Frontières Year: 2017 Filed under: End TB, Governance, policy, Report, Survey, TB burden, TB control
National Framework for a Gender-Responsive Approach to TB in India Author(s): Central TB Division of India Year: 2019 Filed under: Equity, Gender, Guidance, Guidance and Tools, India, Prevention, TB burden, TB care
Prevalence of Latent Tuberculosis among Health Care Workers in High Burden Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Author(s): PLOS ONE Year: 2016 Filed under: Analysis, Health workers, Journal Article, Latent TB, Prevalence, Research, Review, TB burden, TB control, Transmission